1. Decorator
1.1. What are decorators?
- Proposed feature for JavaScript
- Declarative programming
- Implemented as function
- Can attached to: Properties, Parameters, Accessors, Methods, Classes
1.2. Decorator syntax
1.2.1. Simple function decorator
function uiElement(target: Function) {
// do ui stuff
function deprecated(t: any, p: string, d: PropertyDescriptor) {
console.log('This method will go away soon.');
class ContactForm {
someOldMethod() {}
1.2.2. decorator factory
function uiElement(element: string) {
return function(target: Function) {
console.log(`Creating new element: ${element}`);
class ContactForm {
someOldMethod() {}
1.2.3. Class Decorator
- Class constructor will be passed as parameter to decorator
- Constructor is replaced if there is a return value (
) - Return void if constructor is not to be replaced
<TFunction extends Function>(target: TFunction) => TFunction | void;
Creating class decorators that replace constructor functions
Property Decorators:
- First parameter
is either constructor function or class prototype - Second parameter
is the name of the decorated member
function MyPropertyDecorator(target: Object, propertyKey: string) {
// do decorator stuff
Parameter Decorators:
- First parameter is either constructor function or class prototype
- Second parameter is the name of the decorated member
- Third parameter is the ordinal index of the decorated parameter
function MyParameterDecorator(target: Object, propertyKey: string, parameterIndex: number) {
// do decorator stuff
Property Descriptors:
- Object that describes a property and how it can be manipulated
interface PropertyDescriptor {
configurable?: boolean;
enumerable?: boolean;
value?: any; // “value” property contains the function definition for class methods
writable?: boolean; // “writable” property specifies if “value” is rea
get?(): any;
set?(v: any): void;
Method and Accessor Decorators:
- First parameter is either constructor function or class prototype
- Second parameter is the name of the decorated member
- Third parameter is the property descriptor of the decorated member
function MyMethodDecorator(target: Object, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
// do decorator stuff
// decorators:
export function sealed(name: string) {
return function(target: Function): void {
console.log(`Sealing the constructor: ${name}`);
export function logger<TFunction extends Function>(target: TFunction): TFunction {
let newConstructor: Function = function() {
console.log(`Creating new instance.`);
newConstructor.prototype = Object.create(target.prototype);
newConstructor.prototype.constructor = target;
return <TFunction>newConstructor;
export function writable(isWritable: boolean) {
return function(target: Object, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
console.log(`Setting ${propertyKey}.`);
descriptor.writable = isWritable;
// usage:
export class UniversityLibrarian implements Interfaces.Librarian, Employee, Researcher {
name: string;
email: string;
department: string;
assistCustomer(customerName: string) {
console.log(this.name + ' is assisting ' + customerName);
assistFaculty() {
console.log('Assisting faculty.');
// implementation of the following to be provided by the mixing function
title: string;
addToSchedule: () => void;
logTitle: () => void;
doResearch: (topic: string) => void;
export class PublicLibrarian implements Interfaces.Librarian {
name: string;
email: string;
department: string;
assistCustomer(customerName: string) {
console.log('Assisting customer.');
teachCommunity() {
console.log('Teaching community.');
// test decorator:
let lib1 = new UniversityLibrarian();
let lib2 = new PublicLibrarian();
try {
lib1.assistFaculty = () => console.log('assistFaculty replacement method');
lib2.teachCommunity = () => console.log('teachCommunity replacement method');
} catch (error) {