1. vmware shanghai 2017-3-8 Jack (Ke Zhang)

  1. cookie, localStorage, when to use, when don't want to send to server? CORS
  2. how to set cookie expire time? (document.cookie = 'name=qiu; max-age=9999; path=/; domain=domain; secure';, max-age=0 删除)
  3. angular directives usage
  4. server rendering, client rendering
  5. real-time chat
  6. array [1,2,3,4,2], find values that appears more than once
  7. website optimization
  8. cross domain, jsonp
  9. why use oop, what is oop, benefit (encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism. reuse)
  10. modularization, commonjs, requirejs, es2015 will make commonjs or require away? how angular module?
  11. angular service, factory, provider, why use service?
  12. css priority, red, blue, green.
  13. bootstrap uses important?
  14. some js needs to put in front, resulting loading DOM slow, how to solve? async, defer
  15. less, sass
  16. pack tools, grunt
  17. testing: mocha, should.js, supertest, PhantomJS
  18. why not global variable, use closure benefit
  19. h5 advantage

1.1. prepare Henry Chen interview

  1. distributed systems
  2. 接口和抽象类有何区别?
  3. 反射
  4. 单例模式吗?请实现之,并说说用在哪些情况中。
  5. 锁:有关锁的问题,读写锁的优化
  6. 多线程实现
  7. 写一个 Singleton 的例子
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