1. Fundamental / NgModules / Providers + Singleton services

ng generate service user
ng g s user

By default, this decorator has a providedIn property, which creates a provider for the service

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

  providedIn: 'root',
  // 'root' specifies that Angular should provide the service in the root injector.
  // ** providedIn: 'root' creates Singleton service **
export class UserService {}

1.1. Provider Scope

You should always provide your service in the root injector unless there is a case where you want the service to be available only if the consumer imports a particular @NgModule.

1.1.1. I. providedIn and NgModules

It's also possible to specify that a service should be provided in a particular @NgModule. For example, if you don't want UserService to be available to applications unless they import a UserModule you've created, you can specify that the service should be provided in the module:

  1. Preferred way: enables tree-shaking of the service if nothing injects it.

    // user.service.ts
    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    import { UserModule } from './user.module';
      providedIn: UserModule,
    export class UserService {}
  2. Another way: No tree-shaking

    import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
    import { UserService } from './user.service';
      providers: [UserService],
    export class UserModule {}

1.1.2. II. Limiting provider scope by lazy loading modules

When the Angular router lazy-loads a module, it creates a new injector. This injector is a child of the root application injector. Imagine a tree of injectors; there is a single root injector and then a child injector for each lazy loaded module. The router adds all of the providers from the root injector to the child injector.

当 Angular 的路由器惰性加载一个模块时,它会创建一个新的注入器。这个注入器是应用的根注入器的一个子注入器。想象一棵注入器树,它有唯一的根注入器,而每一个惰性加载模块都有一个自己的子注入器。路由器会把根注入器中的所有提供商添加到子注入器中。如果路由器在惰性加载时创建组件, Angular 会更倾向于使用从这些提供商中创建的服务实例,而不是来自应用的根注入器的服务实例。


虽然你可以使用惰性加载模块来提供实例,但不是所有的服务都能惰性加载。比如,像路由之类的模块只能在根模块中使用。路由器需要使用浏览器中的全局对象 location 进行工作。

1.1.3. III. Limiting provider scope with components

when you want to eagerly load a module that needs a service all to itself. Providing a service in the component limits the service only to that component (other components in the same module can’t access it.)

  /* . . . */
  providers: [UserService]

1.2. Providing services in modules vs. components

  1. Providing services in modules: Generally, provide services the whole app needs in the root module (Singleton) and scope services by providing them in lazy loaded modules.

  2. Providing services in components: (Non-Singleton) Register a provider with a component when you must limit a service instance to a component and its child components. For example, a user editing component, UserEditorComponent, that needs a private copy of a caching UserService should register the UserService with the UserEditorComponent. Then each new instance of the UserEditorComponent gets its own cached service instance.

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