1. Basic types
1.1. Enums
enum Category {
Biography = 1,
} // 1, 2, 3
let favoriteCategory: Category = Category.Biography;
console.log(favoriteCategory); // 1
let categoryString = Category[favoriteCategory]; // Biography
1.2. Destructuring assignments
let medals: string[] = ['gold', 'silver', 'bronze'];
let [first, second, third] = medals;
let person = { name: 'Audrey', address: '123 Main Street', phone: '555-1212' };
let { name, address, phone } = person;
let { title: bookTitle, author: bookAuthor } = book1;
function PrintBookInfo({ title: bookTitle, author: bookAuthor }: Book): void {
console.log(`${bookTitle} was authored by ${bookAuthor}`);
1.3. Spread operator
let newBookIDs = [10, 20];
let allBookIDs = [1, 2, 3, ...newBookIDs];
function LogFavoriteBooks([book1, book2, ...others]: Book[]) {
let arr = [1, 2, 4];
let arr2 = [1, 3, 3, 4];
1.4. Tuple types
let myTuple: [number, string] = [10, 'Macbeth'];
myTuple[0] = 'Hamlet'; // ERROR
myTuple[1] = 20; // ERROR
myTuple[2] = 'Hamlet';
myTuple[2] = 20;
interface KeyValuePair<K, V> extends Array<K | V> {
0: K;
1: V;
let catalogLocation: KeyValuePair<string, Book> = ['A 123.456', book1];
catalogLocation[2] = 'some string';
1.5. Union types: any one of them
function PrintIdentifier(id: string | number) {}
1.6. Intersection types: Specify a value that will contain all members of several types
function CreateCoolNewDevice(): Phone & Tablet {}
1.7. String literal types
let empCategory: 'Manager' = 'Manager';
let empCategory: 'Manager' = 'Non-Manager'; // ERROR
let empCategory: 'Manager' | 'Non-Manager' = 'Manager';
1.8. Type aliases
let empCategory: 'Manager' | 'Non-Manager' = 'Manager';
type EmployeeCategory = 'Manager' | 'Non-Manager';
let empCategory: EmployeeCategory = 'Manager';
1.9. * Mixins, I feel like composition rather than inheritance
function applyMixins(derivedCtor: any, baseCtors: any[]) {
baseCtors.forEach((baseCtor) => {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(baseCtor.prototype).forEach((name) => {
derivedCtor.prototype[name] = baseCtor.prototype[name];
applyMixins(UniversityLibrarian, [Employee, Researcher]);
// UniversityLibrarian has both employee and researcher members
let newLibrarian = new UniversityLibrarian();
// newLibrarian.doResearch('Economics'); // researcher method
1.10. Optional and default parameter
Optional parameters denoted with ?
after parameter name and must appear at last.
Default parameters may be set to a literal value or an expression
function createCustomer(name: string = 'The C Programming Language', age?: number) {}
1.11. Function Overloading
function GetTitles(author: string): string[];
function GetTitles(available: boolean): string[];
function GetTitles(bookProperty: any): string[] {
if (typeof bookProperty == 'string') {
// get books by author, add to foundTitles
} else if (typeof bookProperty == 'boolean') {
// get books by availability, add to foundTitles
return foundTitles;
1.12. Interface
interface Book {
id: number;
title: string;
author: string;
pages?: number; // optional
markDamaged: (reason: string) => void;
interface for function type:
function createCustomerID(name: string, id: number): string {
return name + id;
interface stringGenerator {
(chars: string, nums: number): string;
// let idGenerator: (chars: string, nums: number) => string;
let idGenerator: stringGenerator;
idGenerator = createCustomerID;
1.12.1. Extending Interfaces
interface LibraryResource {
catalogNumber: number;
interface Book {
title: string;
interface Encyclopedia extends LibraryResource, Book {
volume: number;
let book: Encyclopedia = { catalogNumber: 1234, title: 'The Book of Everything', volume: 1 };
1.13. Class Types
interface Librarian {
doWork: () => void;
class ElementarySchoolLibrarian implements Librarian {
doWork() {
console.log('Reading to and teaching children...');
let kidsLibrarian: Librarian = newElementarySchoolLibrarian();
abstract class ReferenceItem {
private _publisher: string;
static department: string = 'Research';
constructor(public title: string, protected year: number) {
console.log('Creating a new ReferenceItem...');
get publisher(): string {
return this._publisher.toUpperCase();
set publisher(newPublisher: string) {
this._publisher = newPublisher;
printItem(): void {
console.log(`${this.title} was published in ${this.year}.`);
console.log(`Department: ${ReferenceItem.department}`);
abstract printCitation(): void;
class Encyclopedia extends ReferenceItem {
constructor(newTitle: string, newYear: number, public edition: number) {
super(newTitle, newYear);
printItem(): void {
console.log(`Edition: ${this.edition} (${this.year})`);
printCitation(): void {
console.log(`${this.title} - ${this.year}`);
// other way to define inherited class
let Newspaper = class extends ReferenceItem {
printCitation(): void {
console.log(`Newspaper: ${this.title}`);
let myPaper = new Newspaper('The Gazette', 2016);
// extends an anonymous class
class Novel extends class {
title: string;
} {
mainCharacter: string;
let favoriteNovel = new Novel();
1.14. Class, interface, enum demo
// enums.ts
export enum Category {
// interfaces.ts
interface Book {
id: number;
title: string;
author: string;
available: boolean;
category: Category;
pages?: number;
markDamaged?: DamageLogger;
interface DamageLogger {
(reason: string): void;
interface Person {
name: string;
email: string;
interface Author extends Person {
numBooksPublished: number;
interface Librarian extends Person {
department: string;
assistCustomer: (customerName: string) => void;
export { Book, DamageLogger, Author, Librarian };
// classes.ts
import { Book, DamageLogger, Author, Librarian } from './interfaces';
class UniversityLibrarian implements Librarian {
name: string;
email: string;
department: string;
assistCustomer(customerName: string) {
console.log(this.name + ' is assisting ' + customerName);
export { UniversityLibrarian };