1. Gitlab by Cotton Hou
1.1. Config
brew install git
git config --get-regexp user # user.name, user.email
git config [—global] user.name "Guanghui Wang"
git config [—global] user.email "guanghuiw@vmware.com"
git config --global color.ui true
git config --global fetch.prune true
1.2. Preference
Star the projects I'm interested.
Set Default dashboard
to starred projects
1.3. Notification
- https://gitlab.eng.vmware.com/profile/notifications and set "Global notification level" to disabled
- change starred projects notification level to "participate"(in indivisual project overview page)
1.4. Merge Request Settings
rep > Settings > General
create branch based on master, and then immediately create merge request, WIP: branchName(work in progress)
check "remove source branch when merge request is accepted."