1. Questions that I can ask
- 我未来期望做项目经理,带领团队做出优秀的产品,您觉得如何才能成为一名出色的项目经理?需要掌握什么技能?
- 技术总监/项目经理很忙,新技术更新很快,在没时间没精力学习这些技术的情况下如何管理和指导团队
- 经过这次面试,您觉得我还有什么地方要提高?
- What is the ratio of testers to developers to program managers? What is the interaction like? How does project planning happen on the team?
- 这个职位需要做什么?你希望我未来三个月能够帮公司做什么?
- 公司如何帮助新员工尽快适应职位?除此之外您建议我如何尽快适应该职位?并且很快在该职位上作出成绩?
- 公司现在都用到哪些核心技术?未来考虑使用哪些新技术进行改进?
- 您能介绍下你们团队规模以及如何分配任务的吗?
- 公司未来三年最重要的新产品线、新策略、新市场有哪些?
- 公司如何帮助我们多了解每个部门的业务(好让我们更能做出贡献)?
- What are the necessary skills to do this job?
- What makes a successful candidate?
- What would make an unsuccessful candidate?
- Why have people left this position previously?
- What is the most difficult part of this job?
- What brought you to this company? What has been most challenging for you?
- I'm very interested in scalability, and I'd love to learn more about it. What opportunities are there at this company to learn about this?
- I'm not familiar with technology X, but it sounds like a very interesting solution. Could you tell me a bit more about how it works?
问 HR 福利
- 你最棒的团队成员有什么共通特质?
- 同事们闲暇时间都做什么消遣?
- 你们平常用英文还是中文?
- 贵公司业绩成长的最关键因素是什么?
- 面对即将来临的不景气,你们有什么应对的计划? (或者该产业特有的状况)
- 公司创办的过程,有哪些关键的决定把公司带到今天的地位?
- 最近的主管异动/人事改组/签下新客户,对公司有什么影响?