1. Grunt vs gulp

1.1. Gulp

Gulp 优势:

  1. 代码优于配置策略,写代码控制而不是像 grunt 传入大 json 配置
  2. 高效:核心设计基于 Unix 流的概念。通过利用 Node.js 强大的流,通过管道连接,不需要往磁盘写中间文件,可以更快地完成构建。
  3. 插件纯粹:Gulp 的每个插件只完成一个功能,这也是 Unix 的设计原则之一,各个功能通过流进行整合并完成复杂的任务。
  4. Gulp 的核心 API 只有 5 个
var gulp = require('gulp');
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

// Lint JS
gulp.task('lint', function() {
  return gulp

// Concat & Minify JS
gulp.task('minify', function() {
  return gulp

// Watch Our Files
gulp.task('watch', function() {
  gulp.watch('src/*.js', ['lint', 'minify']);

// Default
gulp.task('default', ['lint', 'minify', 'watch']);

1.2. Grunt

// core
grunt.initConfig({huge json})
// Load Our Plugins
// Register Default Task
grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint', 'concat', 'uglify']);
// Invoke 'strict' JavaScript mode
'use strict';

// Define the Grunt configuration method
module.exports = function(grunt) {
  // Initialize Grunt configuration
    // Configure the grunt-env task
    env: {
      test: {
        NODE_ENV: 'test',
      dev: {
        NODE_ENV: 'development',
    // Configure the grunt-nodemon task
    nodemon: {
      dev: {
        script: 'server.js',
        options: {
          ext: 'js,html',
          watch: ['server.js', 'config/**/*.js', 'app/**/*.js'],
      debug: {
        script: 'server.js',
        options: {
          nodeArgs: ['--debug'],
          ext: 'js,html',
          watch: ['server.js', 'config/**/*.js', 'app/**/*.js'],
    // Configure the grunt-mocha-test task
    mochaTest: {
      src: 'app/tests/**/*.js',
      options: {
        reporter: 'spec',
    // Configure the grunt-karma task
    karma: {
      unit: {
        configFile: 'karma.conf.js',
    // Configure the grunt-protractor-runner task
    protractor: {
      e2e: {
        options: {
          configFile: 'protractor.conf.js',
    // Configure the grunt-contrib-jshint task
    jshint: {
      all: {
        src: [
        options: {
          node: true,
          predef: [
    // Configure the grunt-contrib-csslint task
    csslint: {
      all: {
        src: 'public/modules/**/*.css',
    // Configure the grunt-contrib-watch task
    watch: {
      js: {
        files: [
        tasks: ['jshint'],
      css: {
        files: 'public/modules/**/*.css',
        tasks: ['csslint'],
    // Configure the grunt-concurrent task
    concurrent: {
      dev: {
        tasks: ['nodemon', 'watch'],
        options: {
          logConcurrentOutput: true,
      debug: {
        tasks: ['nodemon:debug', 'watch', 'node-inspector'],
        options: {
          logConcurrentOutput: true,
    // Configure the grunt-node-inspector task
    'node-inspector': {
      debug: {},

  // Load the external Grunt tasks

  // Create the 'default' Grunt task
  grunt.registerTask('default', ['env:dev', 'lint', 'concurrent:dev']);

  // Create the 'debug' Grunt task
  grunt.registerTask('debug', ['env:dev', 'lint', 'concurrent:debug']);

  // Create the 'test' Grunt task
  grunt.registerTask('test', ['env:test', 'mochaTest', 'karma', 'protractor']);

  // Create the 'lint' Grunt task
  grunt.registerTask('lint', ['jshint', 'csslint']);
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