1. react redux 流程
- react: Hey Action, someone clicked this "save" button
- action: thanks react! I will dispatch an action so reducers that care can update state
- reducer: thanks action. I see you passed me the current state and the action to perform. I will make a new copy of the state and return it
- store: thanks for updating the state reducer. I'll make sure all connected components are aware
- react-redux: I'll determine if I should tell react about this change so that it only has to update UI when necessary
- react: ooo! new data has been passed down via props from the store(connect, mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps). I will re-render the UI to reflect this
1.1. Redux benefits
- reducers are pure functions, which simply do
oldState + action => newState
. Each reducer computes a separate piece of state, which is then all composed together to form the whole application. This makes all your business logic and state transitions easy to test. - Api 简单
- 容易理解流程
- 如果按照它推荐的方式 -- 视图组件和容器组建分离,容器组件状态通过 props 传到视图组件中,职责分明,每个组件单一、小。
1.2. Concepts
1.2.1. Reducer
根据之前 state 和 action 返回新的 state
1.2.2. Action
描述请求,传递需要的数据给 Reducer,这样 Reducer 根据 action 的参数返回新的 state
1.2.3. Store
redux 根据 reducer 创建 store, 传递给 Provider
import { createStore } from 'redux'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import App from './components/App'
import reducer from './reducers'
const store = createStore(reducer)
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
1.2.4. 如何发送 action
一般在初始化或者按钮点击的时候,希望能够触发 dispatch(action)
App component
App.js 作为启动组件,引入所有 Container
import AddTodo from '../containers/AddTodo';
import VisibleTodoList from '../containers/VisibleTodoList';
const App = () => (
<AddTodo />
<VisibleTodoList />
export default App;
1.2.5. Container
container component 核心代码:
connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(PresentationalComponent);
without any parameter, means to not subscribe to the store.
is a higher-order function that returns a function that returns a component. connect
expects two arguments: mapStateToProps
and mapDispatchToProps
. Both are functions. It returns a function that expects a presentational component, and wraps it with a container that sends it data via props.
The first function, mapStateToProps
, injects state as an argument and returns an object that will be mapped to props. We set the colors
property of the ColorList
component to an array of sorted colors from state.
The second function, mapDispatchToProps
, injects the store’s dispatch
function as an argument that can be used when the ColorList
component invokes callback function properties. When the ColorList
raises onRate
or onRemove
events, data about the color to rate or remove is obtained and dispatched.
works in conjunction with the provider. The provider adds the store to the context and connect
creates components that retrieve the store. When using connect
, you do not have to worry about context.
Container 引入需要的 Action 和视图组件。mapStateToProps
和 mapDispatchToProps
两个方法分别负责把 state 和 dispatch 映射到 props 中。connect
传递着两个方法,再 Wrap 视图组件。这样 presentational 组件就有了 active 和 onClick 两个 props,其中 onClick 执行的时候会 dispatch action。
注意,如果 connect 第二个参数 mapDispatchToProps 不传,则
会以 props 注入到组件中!
把 redux store 想象成一个 pie chart,里面有多少个 reducer 就负责有多少片 state 需要管理。mapStateToProps
可以 暴露所需要的 state。每次 state 更新都会触发该方法。这里可能会有复杂耗时的 mapping 计算,可以用 reselect
library memorizes expensive calls
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
return {
courses: state.courses,
// method 1: manually
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
createCourse(course, ownProps) {
// return {
// createCourse: (course) => {
// dispatch(courseActions.createCourse(course))
// }
// }
// method 2: bindActionCreators will find all actions in that file
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch, ownProps) {
return {
actions: bindActionCreators(courseActions, dispatch),
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(CoursesPage);
1.3. 异步操作
- redux-thunk
- redux-saga