1. Development Web Servers

  • http-server: Ultra -simple, Single command serves current directory
  • live-server: Lightweight, Support live-reloading
  • Express: Comprehensive, Highly Configurable, Production grade, Can run it everywhere
  • budo: Integrates with Browserify, Includes hot reloading
  • Webpack dev server: Built in to Webpack, Serves from memory, Includes hot reloading
  • Browsersync: Dedicated IP for sharing work on LAN. ==All interactions remain in sync!== Great for cross-device testing. Integrates with Webpack, Browserify, Gulp

1.1. Express setup

/** express dev server */

let express = require('express');
let path = require('path');
let open = require('open');

let port = 3000;
let app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '../src/index.html'));

app.listen(port, (err) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {

1.2. Sharing work-in-progress

  • localtunnel
  • ngrok
  • Surge
  • now

1.2.1. localtunnel (great!)

Easiest setup Ultra-versatile. Easily share work on your local machine. 让内网服务器暴露到公网上的开源项目


1. `npm install localtunnel -g`
2. Start your app, if port is 3000
3. `lt --port 3000` or `lt --port 3000 --subdomain wghglory`

Result is like:

your url is: https://pgerjpkszz.localtunnel.me or https://wghglory.localtunnel.me

Note: multiple devices, use browserSync and localtunnel together

1.2.2. ngrok

Easy setup Secure. Secure tunnel to your local machine

  1. Sign up
  2. Install ngrok
  3. Install authtoken
  4. Start your app
  5. ./ngrok http 80

1.2.3. now

No firewall hole Hosting persists. Quickly deploy Node.js to the cloud

  1. npm install -g now
  2. Create start script
  3. now

1.2.4. Surge

No firewall hole Hosting persists. Quickly host static files to public URL

  1. npm install -g surge
  2. surge
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