1. Given a movie, find similar movies

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace MyCollections
  public class Movie
    private readonly int movieId;
    private readonly float rating;
    private List<Movie> similarMovies;
    // Similarity is bidirectional

    public Movie(int movieId, float rating)
      this.movieId = movieId;
      this.rating = rating;
      similarMovies = new List<Movie>();

    public int getId()
      return movieId;

    public float getRating()
      return rating;

    public float Rating
        return rating;

    public int Id
        return movieId;

    public void addSimilarMovie(Movie movie)

    public List<Movie> getSimilarMovies()
      return similarMovies;

         * Implement a function to return top rated movies in the network of movies
         * reachable from the current movie
         * eg:            A(Rating 1.2)
         *               /   \
         *            B(2.4)  C(3.6)
         *              \     /
         *               D(4.8)
         * In the above example edges represent similarity and the number is rating.
         * getMovieRecommendations(A,2)should return C and D (sorting order doesn't matter so it can also return D and C)
         * getMovieRecommendations(A,4) should return A, B, C, D (it can also return these in any order eg: B,C,D,A)
         * getMovieRecommendations(A,1) should return D. Note distance from A to D doesn't matter, return the highest rated.
         *     @param movie
         *     @param numTopRatedSimilarMovies: number of movies we want to return
         *     @return List of top rated similar movies
    public static IList<Movie> getMovieRecommendations(Movie movie, int numTopRatedSimilarMovies)
      if (movie == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("movie");

      HashSet<Movie> moviesInNetwork = new HashSet<Movie>(new MovieComparer());

      // Flatten the network in a HashSet<Movie>
      // Two problems with my implementation:
      // 1. It's recursive so it won't work for very large networks (as demonstrated in the sample Program below)
      // 2. It's O(n^2), worst case when every single movie is related to every other movies (n*(n-1)), not so good...
      GetDistinctMovies(movie, moviesInNetwork);

      // Order the movies by rating value (descending) and take the number of movies we want to return.
      // Orderby is a quicksort O(nlog(n))
      // I cannot make any assumption concerning the numTopRatedSimilarMovies range so I didn't try to optimize anything here.
      return (from m in moviesInNetwork
          orderby m.Rating descending
          select m).Take(numTopRatedSimilarMovies).ToList();

    private static void GetDistinctMovies(Movie movie, HashSet<Movie> knownMovies)
      // Contains method is O(1) for HashSet<T>
      if (knownMovies.Contains(movie)) return;

      // Add method is O(1) for HashSet<T>

      foreach (var similarMovie in movie.getSimilarMovies())
        GetDistinctMovies(similarMovie, knownMovies);

    /// <summary>
    /// Movie comparer, used in the HashSet<Movie> constructor. I assumed movie Ids are unique.
    /// </summary>
    private class MovieComparer : IEqualityComparer<Movie>
      public bool Equals(Movie m1, Movie m2)
        return m1.Id == m2.Id;

      public int GetHashCode(Movie movie)
        return movie.Id;

  public class Program
    public static void Main()
        Movie.getMovieRecommendations(null, 10);
      catch (ArgumentNullException ex)

      var A = new Movie(0, 1.2f);
      var B = new Movie(1, 2.4f);
      var C = new Movie(2, 3.6f);


      //B.addSimilarMovie (C);

      var D = new Movie(3, 4.8f);

      //D.addSimilarMovie (A);

      ShowRecommentations(A, 2);
      ShowRecommentations(A, 4);
      ShowRecommentations(A, 1);

      Console.WriteLine("Now with a very **deep** network");

      Random rating = new Random();
      var movieId = 0;
      var X = new Movie(movieId, (float)rating.NextDouble() * 5);

      var currentMovie = X;
      while (movieId < 1000000)
        var newMovie = new Movie(movieId, (float)rating.NextDouble() * 5);
        currentMovie = newMovie;

        ShowRecommentations(X, 20);
      catch (StackOverflowException e)


    public static void ShowRecommentations(Movie movie, int numTopRatedSimilarMovies)
      var recommendations = Movie.getMovieRecommendations(movie, numTopRatedSimilarMovies);

      Console.WriteLine("If you like movie {0}, we recommend those {1} movies: ", movie.Id, numTopRatedSimilarMovies);

      foreach (var recommendation in recommendations)
        Console.WriteLine("Movie {0}, rated {1}", recommendation.Id, recommendation.Rating);

1.1. balanced Parenthesis

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