1. Components Communication

1.1. 1. Communicating with Child Components Using @Input (Parent pass data to child)

I want to create a address component as a child component. The parent component, events-list, will pass the event object to the child. To get this done:

  • child component needs import Input from angular/core
  • parent template uses the child selector, and [input parameter name] = "parent"

  • child component: events-address.component.ts

    //child component, talk with parent events-list.component.ts
    import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'events-address',
      template: '<span>,,</span>',
    export class EventsAddressComponent {
      @Input() address: any; //define address object
  • modify parent component template, [address] is child object name, "event.location" is parent data

        <h1>Upcoming Angular 2 Events</h1>
        <div class="well hoverwell thumbnail">
            <h2>Event: </h2>
            <div>Price: $</div>
            <div>Date: </div>
            <div>Time: </div>
            <!-- <div>Address: , , </div> -->
            <events-address [address]="event.location"></events-address>
  • import child component to app.module

    import { EventsAddressComponent } from './events/events-address.component'
        declarations: [AppComponent, EventsListComponent, EventsAddressComponent],

1.2. 2. Communicating with Parent Components Using @Output and EventEmitter (child pass data to parent)

  1. child component events-address.component.ts:

    • import Output, EventEmitter
    • define a variable accepting EventEmitter
    • define buttonClick
    • the EventEmitter variable emit any data from child component
    //child component, talk with parent events-list.component.ts
    import { Component, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'events-address',
      template: '<button (click)="buttonClick()">Click me!</button>',
    export class EventsAddressComponent {
      @Output() myClick = new EventEmitter();
      buttonClick() {
        this.myClick.emit('I am from child component, should pass data to parent component');
  2. parent Component events-list.component.ts:

    • update template: (the EventEmitter variable name defined in child component) = "randomFuncInParent($event)"
    <events-address (myClick)="clickWithAnyName($event)"></events-address>
    • define random function in parent component class
    export class EventsListComponent {
      clickWithAnyName(dataFromChild) {

1.3. 3. Using Template Variables To Interact with Child Components (parent access to child data, easier than method 2)

  1. child component events-address.component.ts define public property and method

    //child component, talk with parent events-list.component.ts
      selector: 'events-address',
      template: '',
    export class EventsAddressComponent {
      //use template variable to interact with child public method/property: parent accesses child data
      author: string = 'Guanghui Wang'; //child public property
      getAuthor() {
  2. access child component data from parent component template's childPointer variable

    <events-address [address]="event.location" (myClick)="clickWithAnyName($event)" #childPointer></events-address>
    <button (click)="childPointer.getAuthor()" class="btn-primary btn">Test template variable</button>
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