1. Why bundling
- CommonJS doesn't work in web browsers
- Package project into file(s)
- Improve Node performance
1.1. Module Format
- Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)
- CommonJS (CJS)
- Universal Module Definition (UMD)
- ES6 Modules
1.2. Why Use ES6 Modules
- Standardized
- Statically analyzable
- Improved autocomplete
- Intelligent refactoring
- Fails fast
- Tree shaking
- Easy to read
- Named imports
- Default exports
1.3. Bundler
- require.js (old)
- Browserify
- Webpack
- Rollup
1.3.1. Browserify
- The first bundler to reach mass adoption
- Bundle npm packages for the web
- Large plugin ecosystem
1.3.2. Webpack
- loaders, plugins
- Bundles more than just JS
- Import CSS, images, etc like JS
- Bundle splitting
- Built in hot-reloading web server
- Webpack 2 offers tree shaking: using ES6 import so tree shaking will be ready for you
1.3.3. Rollup
- Tree shaking
- Faster loading production code
- Quite new
- Great for library authors
- No hot reloading and code splitting yet
1.3.4. JSPM
- Uses SystemJS, a universal module loader
- Can load modules at runtime
- Has its own package manager
- Can install from npm, git
- Uses Rollup
1.4. Sourcemaps
- To debug. Map code back to original source
- Part of our build
- downloaded only if you open developer tools
write debugger
in code