1. My Notebook
Make sure the repository folder name is guanghui.notebook
1.1. Gitbook Cli
cd folder
npm install -g gitbook-cli
gitbook init
gitbook build # 生成在当前目录的默认文件夹 _book里面
gitbook build ./out # 生成在当前目录的默认文件夹 指定的 out 里面
gitbook serve # localhost:4000
"title": "前端规范",
"description": "前端规范 简介",
"language": "zh-hans",
"plugins": [
"search-plus", //支持中文搜索 上面 search 是默认的 “-” 是去掉的意思
"splitter", // 这个侧边可以拉伸
"tbfed-pagefooter", //这个是底部加 信息 下面可以看到具体的配置
"expandable-chapters-small" //使左侧的章节目录可以折叠
"pluginsConfig": {
"theme-default": {
"showLevel": true
"tbfed-pagefooter": {
"copyright": "Copyright © xxxxx",
"modify_label": "该文件修订时间:",
"modify_format": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
"links": {
"gitbook": false,
"sharing": {
"google": false,
"facebook": false,
"twitter": false,
"all": false
1.2. Daily maintenance
npm run toc
npm run prettierReadme # npm run prettier
git add .
git commit -m 'commit' --no-verify
git push
1.3. Publish
Need to build _book directory before publish via gitbook build
Only 1st time publish:
git branch -D gh-pages
if anyyarn run initPublish
. Make sure master _book containsindex.html, search_plus_index.json
and all html files. This script will create gh-pages branch and .gitignore
In future publish:
yarn run publish
Access result at https://wghglory.github.io/gitbook